Minke Marine Air Lubrication – An Overview

Air Lubrication offers commercial vessels a viable way to increase performance with respect to carbon emissions and operating costs, becoming an established option for vessels looking to increase competitiveness and CII performance. The Minke Marine Air Lubrication System offers the benefits of Air Lubrication with minimum installation burden and fractional CapEx and OpEx.

Contemporary Air Lubrication:

The principle of a flat-bottomed vessel using a layer of air introduced under the hull to reduce drag and improve performance is well established. Generally, today, it is the carbon emissions from the vessel which are the focus of the performance metrics. There are different ways to achieve Air Lubrication, they provide different gross and net performance improvements. Those improvements will vary between vessel types, their draft, speed and even the weather or type of water being navigated. Universal performance expectations for Air Lubrication systems are far from being established. What is established is that Air Lubrication systems installed on a commercial vessel are expensive and come with a high installation burden, and they use compressors, lots of compressors.

Why is Minke Better? No Compressors:

The Minke Marine ALS is specifically designed to reduce installation burden by using as much of the vessel’s existing hardware as possible. New hardware is mostly, simple, solid-state equipment. It is designed to use as little power as possible and does not use compressors. Discharge of a thick layer of air/water bubbles (sub 0.1mm bubbles) provides the best bubble size for efficacy (friction reduction) with minimum hull penetration(s). These features lead to a fractional CapEx (20-25% purchase and installation) as well as lower OpEx in comparison to conventional ASL.

The additional benefits of reduced underwater radiated noise (URN) and reduced hull fouling will also be experienced by a vessel using the Minke Marine ALS. 


The idea for the Minke Marine Air Lubrication System was established several years ago. A Patent was filed in 2016 and awarded in 2019, with a further patent was applied for in 2023. 

Minke Marine ALS Performance?

Honestly? We don’t know yet.

Small scale testing on a powered barge gave very positive results, >10%. This test can only be considered indicative. However, this testing is considered by people with experience testing ALS as superior to CFD or tank testing. It is a very good start.

Minke Marine is scheduled to complete a full-scale trial on a >50,000 dwt vessel owned by a very reputable, technically advanced company. Class has completed a detailed review of the system, its proposed installation and integration with the vessel. Class stated the Minke Marine ALS will not negatively impact the vessel by installation or operation. Also, that the system should positively improve the vessel’s performance. A scan has been completed as well as initial design. 

For more information:

E-mail gbbcandy@minkemarine.com